school ideas

27 Pins
4 juegos educativos para aprender matemáticas - Pequeocio
4 juegos educativos para aprender matemáticas
Number Bonds to 10 Maths Activity Whiteboard
What are number bonds to 10? Number bonds to 10 are pairs of numbers that, when added together, give the number 10. They can also be called 'number pairs' or 'number partners'. Examples are 1 & 9, 7 & 3 and 5 & 5. Children in year 1 generally start to learn and use number bonds to help with additon and subtraction. INCLUDES 1 x A4 aluminium whiteboardAny whiteboard pen can be used Design is copyrighted by Craftly
Ladybug Number Bonds to Ten Game (Number Bond Cards) - Nurtured Neurons
Looking for a fun and engaging way to help your little ladybird lovers practice their math skills? This Ladybug Number Bonds to 10 game is a great activity for those creepy crawly fans! Your little ones will need to carefully count the spots on one side of the ladybug, then find the matching half to complete the number bond to ten. #SpringMath #Ladybugs #CreepyCrawlies #NumberBonds #KindergartenMath #MathCenters #EarlyMath #Kindergarten
Place Value Craftivity Place Value Poster Chart Printable Peacock - Etsy UK
Place Value Craftivity Place Value Poster Chart Printable Peacock - Etsy UK