Cool Room 7- Spring Activities

Ideas, activities, lessons for March, April, and May. "Spring" lesson plans and themes-- kites, wind/weather, green, rainbows, St. Patrick's Day, Spring, flowers, planting and gardening, April Fool's Day, Easter, eggs, Crazy Days of April, Week of the Young Child, Earth Day, Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day, caterpillars and butterflies, insects, picnics, Memorial Day.
119 Pins
16 Sections
Rainbow in a Bag - No Mess Art - Powerful Mothering
tired of messy art? This rainbow in a bag is just perfect to get a sensory and mess fix without the mess! Its great for babies toddlers and even preschoolers with the extended ideas.
Caterpillars – Sunflower Storytime
Here is a beehive. Where are the bees? Hidden away where nobody sees. Soon they come creeping out of the hive (have one bee peek out) 1-2-3-4-5! BUZZ! (bring each finger out as you count) (make your bees fly all around the hive)
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Creepy crawly letter a is for ants activity to do with toddlers and preschoolers. A great activity to go along with The Ants Go Marching and other ant books. This ant experiment is simple to do outdoors and helps reinforce the letter A!
Bees...A Preschool Study
Activity, "How Bees Collect Nectar with Their Proboscis & Release it Into the Cells of the Hive" - lots of other bee related activities, too Activities for Apologia Flying Creatures #homeschool
Summer Sensory Play: Watermelon Sensory Bag
Watermelon Sensory Bag. Takes less than a minute to set up. Perfect Summer Sensory Play without the mess.
Honey Bees Dramatic Play - Dream Big Little One
This is fun dramatic play center activities with a honey bee theme. Student can act out roles as beekeeper, and bees by taking care of a beehive; they can act as a seller, and customer at the honey market stand, all while learning about honey bees, math, literacy, social/emotional and physical skills int the classroom. The printables props are suited for toddlers, preschool and kindergarten.
Prehschool-Mobile bee-hive, 2016 version... created with egg cartons mounted to a picture frame box, then attached to an easel/white board. Small rubber bees, crumbled paper and yarn puff balls are available to create the hive.
Retell Go away big green monster use your own pictures, sticker foam sheets and clear plastic paper protectors. Great for story recall, color identification, and putting facial features in correct spaces.
The Bunny Hokey Pokey Song/Poem
Freebie...Get kids up and moving for fun Easter song/poem. Put in Poetry Binders!
Easter Activity for Kids: Easter Eggs-ercises - The Seasoned Mom
Easter Activity for Kids: Easter Eggs-ercises - fun ideas for Easter brain breaks!
Sticker Sorting Activity - Busy Toddler
Sticker Sorting Activity: A quick and easy toddler activity!
Monster Play Dough: Invitation to Play - Crafts on Sea
Monster Play Dough: An Invitation to Play that is perfect for Halloween!