
646 Pins
14 Inspiring Decorating Ideas
What an inviting room! Love the idea of having a library with a bay-window-reading nook.
New Age - Start Bootstrap Theme
Built in day bed bookshelves in a window nook, timber fram style. Rustic and beautiful.
7 Must-Haves for Creating a Reading Nook
7 Must-Haves for Creating a Reading Nook - looking for a floor lamp in a similar style to the table lamp..would go great for reading curled up in my teddy bear chair!
31 Beautiful Hidden Rooms And Secret Passages
A cozy reading nook inside a rotunda of books: | 31 Beautiful Hidden Rooms And Secret Passages
If the people lie to the government, it's a felony. If the government lies to the people, it's just politics.
Only with the carrot and the stick lies of eternal reward and eternal punishment can an otherwise sane person believe that nonsense.
Fuck Yeah Punk Jackets
Why to we need to define ourselves with words coloured by perspective?
Walker got up and walked over to the wall across from us. He pulled out the can of spray paint that was in his bag. "Where did you get that?" "Shut up," Walked abruptly replied. He shook the can a few times and pressed down. A small ssssss spread through the small room.
Guy Fawkes and Oscar Wilde
Guy Fawkes and Oscar Wilde - Imgur.... This is powerful and thought provoking
emma goldman on Tumblr
Instead of giving us anything of substance to vote for, they've given us lesser issues to keep us preoccupied and believing that our system works | "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal" -emma goldman