
9 Pins
Nicolet Groen | Vastgoedpresentatie & Cursus Interieurfotografie
My daughter moved in to the tiniest room of the house. She made the choice herself because al she needed was her ereader, iPad and ancient Macbook. I couldn't find a bed to fit in the room so I designed this platform bed. 3 kitchen cabinets from Ikea form the base. One of them is on wheels to get acces to the storage space in the back. Instead We used plywood for the bed and the doors. The bed is at the same height as the windowsill so she sees the trees when she wakes up!
nice DIY Yarn Balls by http://www.best99homedecorpics.us/homemade-home-decor/diy-yarn-balls/
Crafts by catrulz on Indulgy.com
DIY Nylon Stocking and Sock Doll DIY Nylon Stocking and Sock Doll by catrulz
Emergency Preparedness Plan | ICE (In Case of Emergency) Book
ICE (In Case of Emergency) Book - Plan ahead for your family and prepare the information they'd need in case something happened to you or your spouse!