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My all time favorite fitness motivational pictures.
The question, then, is what are we becoming excellent at doing? Thinking or playing with technology? Or, the best of both?
Personality v.s Disorder
Nietzche quote - "You... are a terribly real thing in a terribly false world..."
The Big Ideas of Philosophers
Hume’s Problem of Induction is a sceptical challenge to inductive reasoning of the sort: if a,b, then c, therefore d.. No amount of past instances or observations can absolutely (philosophically) guarantee something will be the case in the future. It challenges a necessary connection.
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Quote Of The Day: November 11, 2013 Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty. — David Hume, Essay 23 : Of The Standard of Taste #quotes
Grades 5-12 reading, writing, math, science, and test prep | Albert
Variations in the Social Contract Theory between Locke, Rousseau, & Hobbes
Monokl Edebiyat on X
Add in the theory of Consummate Love and C. S. Lewis' contribution on the four Greek forms of love, and the job lot is summarised!
Hannah Arendt. German Social/Political Philosopher. b.10-14-06 in Hanover Germany, d.12-3-76 in the USA.