10. Semester - Håndværkerbyen

23 Pins
Gallery of Circus Arts Conservatory / ADH Architects - 3
Circus Arts Conservatory / ADH Architects
TØNDER TOWN HALL -extension - Konrad Wójcik
The main aim of this project was to design an extension of existing town hall in Tønder, Denmark. As an architectural company “LOOP architects” we have cooperated with engineer and landscape architect in order to provide a sustainable solution which could…
NameBright - Domain Expired
Centro cívico de Palencia - Exit Architects #remodelingarchitecture
mimo studio adapts archetypal barn house to blend in with nature
Interested to speak out your architectural talent? Join buildyful.com and explore the world of #architecture #students :)~~mimo-studio-barn-house-designboom04
Modern Art gallery takes over three London warehouses
Matheson Whiteley revitalised a trio of dilapidated 1940s warehouses to create a new contemporary art gallery in London.
trace architecture office constructs a concrete factory for bamboo rafts in china
Nasce la nuova collana Industrial Heritage
Industrial Heritage Towards a European Heritage of Industry La fosse Delloye, devenu le Centre Historique Minier. ©JP.Mattern/CHM #industrialheritage #patrimonioindustriale #archeologiaindustriale