Electrifying Your Fireplace – Eliminate Gas: 9 Pros and Cons
Electrifying your fireplace is a convenient way to provide a stylish focal point for your living room. But what are the benefits and disadvantages of electric vs gas or open fires? We find out. Learn more in our site now!
16 Ways to Save Money on HVAC Costs
Sweltering summers and subzero winters can make your utility bills skyrocket. Use these top tips to not only make the most of your HVAC system but also reduce your bills. Learn more in our site now!
Are Ductless Mini-Splits Environmentally Friendly?
There's a lot to consider when it comes to heating and cooling your home. For many, it comes down to what you can afford, what's suitable for your house, and what will best meet your and your family's needs. However, another question you may ask yourself is: which system will reduce my carbon footprint? Learn more in our site now!
What Is Home Ventilation, Anyway? (3 Main Types)
The past few years have seen home ventilation receive more attention than ever, especially with the rise of airborne diseases. It's all about the quality of the indoor air you inhale, its safety, and the efficient systems that make it possible. So, what is home ventilation anyways? For those unfamiliar, this post will explain everything you need to know about home ventilation and the various types that exist.
Do You Have Poor Home Ventilation? (9 Ways To Check)
Proper ventilation is essential to ensure good air quality at home. Over time, ventilation deteriorates due to several factors, such as structural damage in the house and poor maintenance of HVAC appliances. Thankfully, there are several ways to check if there is good air circulation in your home. Learn more in our site now!
Forced Air vs. Radiant Heat: Which is Better for Your Home?
A common question from homeowners looking to install a new HVAC system is "what are the pros and cons of forced air vs. radiant heat?" This article looks at this question in detail to help you decide. Learn more in our site now!
How Long Does a Natural Gas Furnace Last? (Costs, Energy)
A natural gas furnace is a great way to keep your home warm during the cold winter months. They are handy for those in cooler climates, as this type of region will require more heat to keep a house comfortable. Learn more in our site now!
Why is My House So Cold? (10 Reasons And How to Fix)
Does it always feel like your house is freezing during the winter? You should be able to warm up with a fireplace or heating system, but they don't always work if one or more problems are present. The good news is that it's easy to locate, diagnose, and treat the reasons your home feels so cold all of the time. Learn more in our site now!
What Is Radiant Wall Heating? (Does It Work?)
Radiant wall heating – often called radiant heating, radiant cooling, or radiant slab heating – is one of the popular methods for home heating. Some argue that this heating method can evenly heat a space and provide comfortable, efficient, and clean warmth. But what exactly is radiant wall heating, and does it even work? Learn more in our site now!
Does a Heat Pump HVAC Also Dehumidify? (By Season)
A heat pump is a more cost-efficient home HVAC system than traditional furnace-based options. But for those thinking about switching, one question remains—does a heat pump also dehumidify year-round? Learn more in our site now!
Variable Speed Pool Heat Pumps: How Much Do They Save?
Variable-speed heat pumps can reduce your pool's heating energy, but how much money does one of these pumps save you? Keep reading to find out!
Ductless Mini-Splits: Is It Worth It for Your Home?
Ductless mini-split heat pumps aren't as common as central HVAC using ducts. However, many homeowners are now choosing ductless heating and cooling systems for different reasons. So, you may wonder if using a ductless mini-split is worth it. Learn more in our site now!
The Best Home AC and Furnace Filters for Energy Efficiency
Furnace filters work to protect your heating and cooling system by trapping contaminants in the air. They're an excellent addition to any temperature control setup, as they're able to keep harmful contaminants from polluting your home. However, when looking for a new filter, you'll want to search for an energy-efficient furnace filter alternative that will save you money in the long run. Learn more in our site now!