
Artist Creates Life-Size Textile Replicas of the Homes He’s Lived in Around the World
Gallery of Skechers TR Casual Showroom / Zemberek Design - 5
Gallery of Skechers TR Casual Showroom / Zemberek Design #display #retail #merchandise #shoes
Where you are
Literary Event<br /><span class='grey'>Collaged installation of the Where You Are artworks for an event by Visual Editions held at the Ace Hotel in East London</span>
An exhibition of work developed from a six day workshop held in São Paulo, Brazil organised by Mesa & Cadeira. Kemistry Gallery, London (2012).
Reading Forms
Reading Forms – Exhibiting Graphic Design Exhibitions
Cadaval & Solà-Morales: allestimento espositivo
Cadaval & Solà-Morales, allestimento al Museo Casa de la Moneda per la mostra "Susana Solano Trazos Colgados", Madrid 2013
Japan's biennale pavilion celebrates radical 1970s architecture
Japan's biennale pavilion celebrates radical 1970s architecture.