Keto diæt

12 Pins
If You're On The Keto Diet, You Need To Try These Low-Carb Brownies
If You Are On The Keto Diet Then You Need To Try These Keto BrowniesDelish
De bedste LCHF boller som SMAGER af boller!
4 æg 1 dl fed creme fraiche 1 dl mandelmel fra Funktionel Mad 1 dl græskarkerner eller solsikkekerner 1 dl sesamfrø 2 tsk bagepulver 1 tsk salt 2 spsk HUSK
Ketogenic Mound Bar Recipe - Fat Bomb Bars - Ketogenic Diet Girl
Chocolate, peanut butter, coconut, and graham crackers (faux) - can it get any better? My mound bar fat bomb recipe contains no sugar or wheat. Enjoy!!
Easy fluffy low carb keto pancake recipe! Made with almond flour, cream cheese and a few extra healthy ingredients. This recipe is gluten free, sugar free and low in carbs. Perfect for breakfast or as a dessert treat!
Best Keto Bread Recipe | 1g Net Carbs, 5 Simple Ingredients
Tested: Keto Bread Recipe - Excellent taste and texture. Very simple to make, and macros listed are correct! Sliced into 20 equal portions at P:3 F:8 C:1 and about 90 calories per slice.
You have to read this "Ultimate guide to carbs in vegetables". You will see which to enjoy and which to avoid in an easy photo grid. Which are the best for low carb and keto? | via @ditchthecarbs: