
35 Pins
... y también estos triángulos espectaculares.
… y también estos triángulos espectaculares. | 17 Tatuajes falsos tan geniales que parecen de verdad
18 Sibling Tattoos You'll Want To Share With Your Brother And Sister
We’re all so different, but we’re better together. | 18 Impossibly Sweet Sibling Tattoos
30 Chic Wrist Tattoos That Are Better Than a Bracelet
30 Tiny, Chic Wrist Tattoos That Are Better Than a Bracelet
Armenian Tattoos And Meanings
Weeping willow vine- Done at East River Tattoo, Brooklyn
Saturday mood board
trees in black & white | winter . Winter . hiver | Design: Katie Holten |
Learn, get inspired, create! | Freepik Blog
The weekend is almost here and we want to make it sweeter for you. Coming from the East we have a set of wonderful hand-drawn mandalas to spice up your designs. You can use them in flyers and boards. (Pro-tip: they look great in clothes!). If you still want more, check out all the vector mandalas we have for you in Freepik! Here you have a sneak-peek of this free set:
Cet article n'est pas disponible - Etsy
« Pissenlits » sont une estampe tirée directement de lun des pages de mon livre, « Vingt façons pour dessiner un arbre ». Cette impression est une
PHOTOS. Tatouage sexy : 30 idées ultra sensuelles à copier
Let's celebrate hump day with some online shopping!! Anddddd with valentine's Day around the corner I have been lucky enough to score you guys a discount code of 15% off from @barbasandzacari watches - they're an amazing company and support such a great cause by donating $5 from each sale to the cancer research foundation! Use the code "REMELOU" now for a discount at their online store! #barbasandzacari #yourtimeisvaluable #happyhumpday #armcandy