
10 Pins
Limteknik - bæredygtig blomsterkunst
Fra halm til hjerte
Den anden dag da jeg viste det her hjerte i en gruppe på fb var der en der spurgte om det var lavet på et oasishjerte. Det er lavet på et...
Fabulous Fall & Thanksgiving Decoration Ideas - For Creative Juice
DIY Thanksgiving Flower Arrangement. Another great Thanksgiving decor with flowers that brightens up your home decor and keeps you within a budget!
Beautiful and simple centerpiece to recreate for any wedding. All you need are cylinder vases, stones, faux roses, and floating candles. You can find all of these supplies at! #diywedding
47 Fabulous DIY ideas for Thanksgiving table decor
Brilliant colors in this pumpkin and chrysanthemum centerpiece
DIY: Pumpkin Succulent Harvest Decoration - Simply Happenstance
#DIY: Pumpkin Succulent Harvest Decoration {} I love pumpkins AND succulents. I need dis.