
23 Pins
poor, but sexy – berlin - Sarah Tucker
Berlin, Club der Visionäre / Einer der schönsten der Stadt.
{Lovely Places} Village Market Berlin
Heute gibt’s endlich mal wieder einen Lovely Place! Einen absoluten Lieblingsplatz aus Berlin! Hach Berlin ist so multikulti, bunt und laut...
Dr Carlos Andres Garcia Hurtado
Berlin is famous for it's countless fleamarkets on Sundays, the most popular ones are Mauerpark, Boxhagener Platz and on Straße des 17. Juni.
Official Tourism Website - EN
Berlin - Beach bars - EN
Sisyphos (alte Hundekuchenfabrik) in Berlin, Berlin
EyeEm Magazine | Photography Tips & Visual Storytelling
Berlin - Kater Holzig - BOOOOOO long hours spent partying here are no more! :(
Savor The Season With These 16 Traditional German Christmas Foods
Dachterasse vom Klunkerkranich, Rooftop Cafe - Berlin, Deutschland.
Berlin: Love it or leave it - überlin
Berlin is my unicorn <3
Buch: Urban Gardening - Über die Rückkehr der Gärten in die Stadt
The open allotment garden area at the Tempelhof airport field in Berlin.
10 of the best breakfast and brunch spots in Berlin
Cafe Rix, Karl-Marx-Strasse 141, Neukölln, Berlin. Reservations are a must for the weekend brunch, which costs €8 per person and includes a glass of orange juice. Mon-Thurs 9am-midnight, Fri-Sat 9am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight
120 bikes on the wall of a bike shop in Berlin, Germany
120 bikes on the wall of a bike shop in Berlin, Germany by minerva