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Green Tea Hiragana Chart by szmoon on DeviantArt
Japanese I/you/he-she-it/we/you/are sayings
Other helpful phrases: あそこ Asoko- Over There. 僕達 Boku Tachi- Us (Used by males) 本当ですか?Hontoo desu ka?- Is that true?/Really? ほら、見て!Hora, mite!- Hey, look! For what, where, who, how, when, and why, you may want to consider putting ですか? (You don't have to, but then you should emphasise the last syllable of the word so that you're emphasising a question.) どうして?Dooshite?- Another form of asking why.
“625 Words To Know In Your Target Language”: Clever Language Learning Hack Goes Viral
"625 Words To Know In Your Target Language": Clever Language Learning Hack Goes Viral | Bored Panda
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