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This Hanging Clothes Drying Rack Can Be Raised And Lowered Using A Pulley System
New Zealand based design firm George and Willy have created a modern hanging clothes drying rack that drops from the ceiling on a pulley system to dry and air your clothes.
great idea! reuse wooden toy blocks via presentandcorrect blog #sustainabledesign
Welcome to the New Lonny
How to Make Your Own Wood Door Mat (via Lonny): Made with minimal materials, this stylish yet functional wood door mat couldn't be easier to put together. Bonus: It has a handle for portability, so you can hang it up when not in use. But trust us, you're going to want to use it. All.the.time.
Enkelthed og storslået natur
Først og fremmest var det en brændende lyst til at udfordre en vidunderlig naturgrund ved Odder, der fik arkitekt Kenneth Arboe til at sætte sig ved tegnebordet for et par år siden.
Granit hos Green Kitchen Stories (Hannasroom.com)
Inredningsbutiken Granit har besökt matbloggen Green Kitchen Stories och tillsammans bjuder de på vacker inspiration som både uppmuntrar till stilfull inredning och inspirerade matlagning. Jag gillar
ELLE Decoration - Inredning, inspiration och trender | ELLE
Så förvandlar du ett rum med färg – 5 inspirerande tips
The Perfect Gallery Wall in Five Steps - DIY — Hurd & Honey
A botanical theme, color and form here are chosen specifically. / 5 Steps to the Perfect Gallery Wall