Jacobsens Have

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Sandwich Board for 114 William Street by Hofstede Design. An identity for internal and external signs as part of the revitalisation of this prominent William street site. Providing a more defined presence for the building at street level, the main location sign is a three metre high lightbox wrapped with perforated anodised aluminium panels.
This is something to look at having each letter place this particular way. It is a great idea for the shopping centre and being about to see it from a different angle to have the shoppers attention
Metal frame A board with hanging panel
Metal box frame A board with hanging panel by Goodwin & Goodwin. London Sign Makers UK
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CASE-REAL|福岡の飲食店「WINE & SWEETS TSUMONS」設計を語る ギャラリー
El Bouet, en Valencia. Magia fuera del plato. - diariodesign.com
Bouet Restaurant en Valencia ©AlfonsoCalza Diario Design 14
We Heart It
For Ron and Hermione. “Here it isRon.” Hermione tugged Ron along next to her. His arms heavy with just bought books. “My dad used to take me here and we’d just read for hours while drinking coffee.
Rótulos de madera Barcelona // Mostradores de madera Barcelona // Muebles madera y hierro personalizados para negocios