undervisning indskoling

367 Pins
Handlingsbro i 1.kl.
Vi har arbejdet med Fyrtøjet. Børnene udfyldte selv deres egen handlingsbro, efter fælles gennemgang. Herefter skrev de små ...
Artwork by Emily9670
Totally going to try this with 4th grade but have the kids cut from vertical black 12 x18 paper and glue onto white 12 x 18 paper.... going to involve some steps....
The Artist's Choice
Artist Gay Kraeger's tips for making trees with a "tree machine" (Sponge) from Strathmore's 2014 Online Workshops. See this free video lesson and more: http://www.strathmoreartist.com/artist-studio/register/
Snowmen at Play
step by step - how to draw snowmen at play
Art with Mrs. Nguyen
Snowglobe art Fun to watch Knick Knack too then do writing activitiy: Why does snowman want to escape? How will he escape?