Elver Lv

23 Pins
Monk Armor, Dante Fuget
This is a piece of armor I did for QENext/Landmark. I did some quick and dirty sketches as well has a color rough. Then used our "proxy" models to sculpt the base clothing while building out the extra parts in Maya then taking then into ZBrush to sculpt. Again a fun piece to work on!
"Sorry for disturbing. Could you help me? How can I get to Pandaria?"
"Sorry for disturbing. Could you help me? How can I get to Pandaria?", Leo Hao
. 少林 功夫 Kung-Fu
shaolin temple kung fu monk | con Monaco Shaolin ShiYanHui, unico rappresentante ufficiale del ...
3D & Animation online courses for creative professionals | Domestika
Drunkard Monk by SRISUWAN SKAN | 2D | CGSociety
Monk by armandeo64 on DeviantArt
Wood Elf Ecil (2017), Jinwoo Park
Wood Elf Ecil (Ranger Girl), 진우 박 on ArtStation at https://www.artstation.com/artwork/PRam3
The Woodland Realms Unite, Part One
The Woodland Realms Unite, Part One
Wood elf Tar age(18) helped Aiden and the rest of the group during an ambush in the woods. Has relatives who died during invasion raids. Has relatives alive in Resolve so follows Aiden to help defend it.
Sentinel Aquilifer by RuaCharl on DeviantArt
Sentinel Aquilifer by ~RuaCharl on deviantART