so me

16 Pins
How my employees look at me when I tell them that showing up at the office at 8:00 AM means you're late to work.
30 Funny animal captions - part 12 (30 pics)
Amazing Creatures: 30 Funny animal captions - part 12 (30 pics)
19 Jokes Only Grammar Nerds Will Understand
For More Visit: lol haha hilarious funny memes
Everything Funny
funny caption dog eats through door there was a spider its gone now
Geek Universe - death note - death note
How does that even work? Is that why skinny people are stupid? --- that is why, yes. XD <<< But I'm skinny (but chubby) and I think all the freaking time!!!
NOT THE COLOR!! Haha. But the style is cute. From the front it would still look longer but short in the back.
That awkward moment when you're out and think you see your friend but it turns out to be somebody you don't know.
Direct quote from my sister in law "I don't know why, but when I see this u think of you!!!!!! It's so cute!" I love you too Hanny!!!