Vikinge textiler

322 Pins
Birka III. Die Textilfunde aus den gräbern : Agnes Geijer : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Birka III. Die Textilfunde aus den gräbern : Agnes Geijer : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Historical Tablet weaving
If you are a reenactor of Iron Age or Early Middle Ages - check out our website for tablet woven bands. Belts, trims, headbands or leg wraps - you can order through our shop on Etsy. #vikingreenactment #vikings #tabletwoven #tabletweaving #vikingdress #vikingtunic #medievaltextiles #celtic #historicalreenactment
How to construct a Viking Hat.
How to construct a Viking Hat. – Rozewolf's Weblog
Skjoldehamn neck flap
If I remember correctly, the bead is made from metal. Here's an even closer closeup, where you can see that it is not a leather thong, but a woolen braid or something similar that holds the bead to the flap.
The Birka museum exhibition.
The Birka museum exhibition. | historical textiles
Friesenkappe, Rasquert Kappe, Wikingermütze
Wikinger und Friesenmütze nach einem Fund aus Rasquert / Niederlande. Anfertigungen in unterschiedlichen Größen und Farben möglich, auch mit Stickerei, wie im Fund. Bitte kontaktiere mich bei Interesse an einer solchen Kappe. Ich berate Dich gerne. Tragbar für Reenactment und Living History.