Roman Life

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Pharmacist (a woman) with a bowl in her right hand, above a cauldron in which medicinal plants are brewing, stirred with a caduceus-shaped ladle; on her left knee, she holds a recipe tablet. Her assistant (upper right) examines a cylindrical vial. 2nd century CE. Museo de la Civiltà Romana. Rome. Compound medicines: from painkillers to theriac, the cure-all.
Reconstruction of historical figures
Facial reconstruction of Roman Emperor Tiberius Caesar (42 BC - 37 AD)
cleopatra-digital-reconstruction - moco-choco
cleopatra-digital-reconstruction - Macedonia the ancient kingdom of Greece
Facial Reconstructions of Famous Historical Figures – ColoRostariu
(53-117 CE) Trajan, Roman Emperor (facial reconstruction probably based on a marble bust).