Tweens (age 10-12 years)

10 Engaging Books Parents and Tweens Can Read Together - Parenting
10 Engaging Books Parents and Tweens Can Read Together
Peaceful Parenting your Tween and Pre-Teen
Dr. Laura Markham > How to Keep Your Child from Developing an Eating Disorder
Peaceful Parenting your Tween and Pre-Teen
Staying Close to Your Tween Daughter
Peaceful Parenting your Tween and Pre-Teen
The First Cell Phone: Rules for Responsibility
Peaceful Parenting your Tween and Pre-Teen
Beyond Discipline for Preteens
Peaceful Parenting your Tween and Pre-Teen
Positive Parenting Your Tween
Peaceful Parenting your Tween and Pre-Teen
Today's precocious preteens often shock parents when they begin to act like teenagers. Don't be fooled, they’re still children. They’ll astonish you with their ability to conceptualize, to argue brilliantly, and then to do foolish things.