250 Pins
The World Around — 2x4
The World Around is a platform and annual conference that aims to open up architectural discourse and connect around ideas that impact a broad range of disciplines. 2x4 partnered with founders Beatrice Galilee, Diego Marroquin, and Alexandra Hodkowski to conceptualize and visualize the project through strategy, branding, and website design.
Santiago Matatlan Mezcal Plantation lockup
A fresh lockup for the rebrand of Santiago Matatlan Mezcal Plantation based in Oaxaca Mexico. Created with the custom typeface "Oaxaca" made for the project, but the font is also available in the link! #font #typeface #landboys
Free Commercial Fonts
Free commercial fonts for your brand, website, or product packaging by Assimilation Designs. Type inspiration, typography design, modern, branding, graphic design, logo, inspo, font pairings #typography #design #branding #business #graphicdesign #freelance #creative #designer #logo
幡ヶ谷にある社交ダンススクール「FESSI」のロゴ。 元全日本チャンピオンが指導してくれる教室で、幡ヶ谷スタジオに加えて出張レッスンも行っているようです。 ロゴはちょっとクラシカルでオシャレな印象のデザイン。 マークには、雲とダンスシュー…