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Ice Cream | Birthday Card |
Inside message: To make the most of every moment (and mouthful)! #cardthartic #greetingcard #birthdaycard #icecream #sweettreats #stationary #meaningsoflife #greetingcards
Reading | Birthday Card |
Inside Message: Wishing you a whole new year of great escapes. Happy Birthday #cardthartic #greetingcard #birthdaycard #reading #goodbooks #stationary #meaningsoflife #greetingcards
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Happy New Year! 2019 is yours for the taking.
I will destroy you, just as 2018 tried me. I will kill it in every area of my life. I’m ready for a fresh start; for new adventures, laughs, dances, and challenges. It’s time to level up: mentally emotionally financially spiritually energetically
50 Life Quotes That’ll Motivate You to Take That Next Step
50 Life Quotes Thatll Motivate You to Take That Next Step 2