Dyr " høns"

18 Pins
What to Ask When Picking Up New Chicks| Purina Animal Nutrition
Backyard chicken breeds can lay eggs in many fun colors – from traditional white to olive green and chocolate brown. Click to learn more about breed selection!
Easy Backyard Chicken Coop Plans
Brilliant feed bin idea. No scrapping around or wasted feed on the floor. And the feed stays dry in the rain.
Høns i haven - Gør Det Selv til Hus, Have og køkken..
DIY hønsehus a la højbed
How To Build a Kickass Chicken Coop – Kick Ass or Die
DIY DIVA Chicken Coop Tutorial
DIY PVC Chicken Feeders: Affordable Feeder in 8 Easy Steps
PVC Chicken Feeder Here's a chicken feeder that's easy to fill, hard to spill, safe from non-chicken life forms, weather resistant, easy to make, and inexpensive!
The Nest Egg
The Nest Egg - BackYard Chickens Community
Bird Flu: A Chicken Raiser’s Nightmare
Important Information on Feeding Raised Chickens http://vur.me/tbw/chicken-house-plans/
Examples of Large Backyard Chicken Coops | The Garden Coop
Grazing frames for chickens in small spaces. Tutorial. "Your chickens can snack on the green tips, and the frame protects the roots so that the grass survives to grow another day."