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Lee Brontide on Twitter
“It has come to my attention that many of you don;t fully appreciate the beauty, diversity, and weirdness of fungus. So here comes a bunch of pictures I've accumulated in referencing that death god of decomposition I was referencing.”
GRANADA NATURAL Cystoderma cacharias
Pearly Powdercap Mushrooms (Cystoderma carcharias) ~ By Jose Antonio Caravantes Manzano
Amanita Caesarea
Amanita Caesarea | por tormento&estasi
thelordismylightandmysalvation: “ ♥ ”
Fungi - Robert Thompson Photography
pretty little mushrooms. (Mycena sp, Cavite, Philippines, Oct 9, 2011)
Wild Mushrooms on Maui, Hawaii 2016
This image is from the book "Mushrooms of Hawai'i by Don Hemmes and Dennis Desjardin. I have rotated the image to better see the fine color gradations. which were hard to see in the horizontal view,. More about the book at link below. It can be ordered on Amazon
Boletellus obscurecoccineus
Wow, talk about bright colors. This one gives me all kinds of ideas for color combinations.
Fotografia - lúčnica žltozelená Gliophorus psittacinus (Schaeff.) Herink
LOVE TO DRAW MUSHROOMS ....they come in all colors ...and some truly bizarre **lúčnica žltozelená Hygrocybe psittacina (Schaeff.) Herink
Fotografia - masliak smrekovcový Suillus grevillei (Klotzsch) Singer
Greville's Bolete (Suillus grevillei) ~ By Mgr. Vladimír Blaško
Moist Mushroom and Moss
Russula Emetica, commonly known as the sickener, emetic russula, or vomiting russula, is a basidiomycete mushroom, and the type species of the genus Russula. First described in 1774, the mushroom has a wide distribution in the Northern Hemisphere, where it grows on the ground in damp woodlands in a mycorrhizal association with conifers, especially pine ~ by John Petranka
Scarlet Waxy Cap Mushroom (Hygrocybe Coccinea) ~ By Juraj Komar