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Experiment: Bügelperlen wollen nach oben
Die Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung mit Erklärung des Experiments findest du im Betzold Blog >
Homework Routine: 6 Tips for Survival and Success
Eco-friendly way to learn Chinese characters with a DIY cardboard roll projector! This activity is easy to prepare with materials you have at home!
Bubble Painting Made Easy - The Best Art Activities for Kids
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How to Teach Kids About Germs: Simple Experiment
Fun experiment for teaching kids about germs. Teach kids the power of washing hands with soap. This is a simple way for learning about germs. This germ experiment uses spices (like pepper or oregano) to represent the germs. This simple germ experiment shows the importance of washing our hands with soap. This fun germ activity demonstrates kids how “germs” react to soap in a very visual way. #scienceforkids #scienceexperiments #washyourhands #germs #hygiene #healthy #kidsactivities #teacherhacks