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Neceser de Crochet Tapestry CUBE – Tutorial y Patrón –
Neceser de Crochet Tapestry CUBE – Tutorial y Patrón –
Sew your own Twisted Headband
This pattern has an stretchy back, it will not slide off your head. It has nicely finished edges and no opening between the 2 straps. The headband can be worn opened out to create a wider style or you can smush it narrower. Wear it as you want: twist to the side, over the forehead, or to pull your hair back.
DIY tutorial - Crochet Jersey Bracelet!
Really cute, simple pattern I hope to try soon. She suggests making it longer for a headband or belt, both would be cute!
TRICO y CROCHET-madona-mía
TRICO CROCHET-madonna-a dolu: Bikiny a plavky (triquinis) háčkování vzory
Customize com crochet
Dê um toque decorativo e fashion uma peça de roupa ou tecido fazendo um detalhe de crochê. Ou transforme aquela que você esta enjoada dan...