
52 Pins
Van-Go Paint-By-Numbers
If you love to draw/paint, you have GOT to try these new Van-Go kits (for advanced artists).
Star Techy — Forage Studios
2. Transferring the Image. Now that you have your image transferred onto plastic you can now endeavor to get it onto the clay surface. I like to work with a ceramic surface that is a little beyond leather hard; in fact, I like to call it cheddar "cheese hard". It is somewhere between too late to add a handle, but not too late to make a mark on it with your finger nail. Capisce? Now take a dampened, not drenched, sponge and give the area a quick swipe to create a slightly tacky surface for the...
3.3.14 Is it Monday? Is it Monday? Hell NO dammit! It ain't Monday! It is Tuesday but it sure do feel like a Monday! Now be quiet and get in the box. Artist, Sophie FAVRE
Cement Eclipses: Tiny Street Art Sculptures by Isaac Cordal
Cement Eclipses: Tiny Street Art Sculptures by Isaac Cordal – Brain Pickings