
1,116 Pins
DIY Shoe Box Loom and Paper Snake Weaving for Kids
Make your own loom out of a shoe box lid and then teach your children how to weave using paper snakes - fun and easy craft to do at home
Tierpuzzles, Tiere, Ausschneiden, kleben, ausmalen, Feinmotorik, Legasthenie, Dyskalkulie, Kinder, Vorschule, Grundschule, Förderschule, Eltern, kostenlos
Ready for Parent/Teacher Conferences!
What a great idea for conferences~! This teacher makes a board of some handouts perfect for practicing at home, because so many times the parents want to help but aren't sure how (or don't have the materials). Brilliant!
Pictures of Platonic Solids
A site that has EVERY 3D shape imaginable as a PDF so your kids can print, cut, fold and glue! Even lists the number of faces, edges, and vertices
Homemade Button Snake for Fine Motor Development - Happy Hooligans
Button Snake: Teaches children button skills, and strengthens fine motor skills. Super easy to make and little ones just love this activity.
Valentine Preschool Cutting Practice Printable Worksheets
Valentines Day Preschool Cutting Practice Valentine Preschool Cutting Practice Printable Worksheets
Child Care Resources *
This would be a fun idea for kids! Chopsticks or tweezers for fine motor skills, used to pick up and drop pom-poms into color matched toilet paper rolls.
Simple Cutting
To move hand when cutting: to teach hand placement /movement when cutting. Space out stickers along the edge of a paper and instruct to cut and move non dominant hand to one sticker at a time from bottom to top.