Water for the World

Shouldn't everyone have access to clean water? Here's some great organizations who are trying to do just that.
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World Water Day Facts
On World Water Day, Fresh Water Systems would like to make an effort to remind each us to do our part to conserve and protect one of our most precious resources, water.
Did you know that 2.5 billion people lack access to proper sanitation? That's more than one third of the world's entire population! As World Water Week gets underway, see why Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson thinks #TheWorldNeedsMore #Sanitation and is calling for access to this service for all those who still don't have it: http://ow.ly/ox3eb Photo: DR Congo. OCHA/Gemma Cortes
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Great graphic on water consumption!
www.bloodwatermission.com #watercrises #bloodwater #hivcrises #lemonaid
What would you do with an extra 40 million hours? www.givefreshwater.org