
97 Pins
31.6 k abonnés, 844 abonnement, 1,092 publications - Découvrez les photos et vidéos Instagram de Amanda (@amandarachlee)
画一群盆栽,手账素材! - 堆糖,美图壁纸兴趣社区
[ Dessin nº15 ] : Dessiner Des Plantes !
Bullet journal weekly layout, triangular date header, vertical layout, washi tape, meal tracker, geometric bullet journal theme. @bujo.by.marieke
331 Gostos, 9 Comentários - @bullet_journal_ish no Instagram: "New month spread kept in the spirit of triangles and shades of grey. What’s your color for…"
Changing conversations around vision, aging, potential, and possibility
It's easy to get busy and forget the simple steps to a daily health routine. Here is a checklist. Save & repin as a reminder for those busy days.
Setting up my future log for 2017! I've been so inspired by the beautiful line drawings by the likes of @feebujo @my_journaling_corner and @bonjournal_ I thought I'd give it a go, here's my very amateur attempt