
Knitting, Fuck Yeah!
knit bag ~ click through the pics to the website and the pattern is there! This is so cute~
Simple boot toppers - Create-Play-Homeschool. Free pattern Super bulky yarn on size 13's. can just rib knit the whole thing.
Baby Sophisticate
OOOH! this is perhaps the cutest little old man sweater I have ever seen. Free baby knit pattern.
The most beautiful yarns don't need complicated patterns to make a statement. Sometimes the yarn itself says it all.
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I think you could just do this with an old sweater??? Oatmeal the Snowman knitting pattern
Classic Mittens Pattern #615 | Knitting Patterns
Classic Mittens Pattern | Knitting Patterns - warning, though - the site this pattern is on loves pop-up windows. ugh.
Adorable Knitted Baby Sweaters
These easy baby sweaters are a fast knit and a perfect gift for the holidays! Includes link to pattern.
Tutorial : Knitted Handwarmers
A free pattern for some cosy armwarmers! They are knitted using only knit and purl stitches so they are perfect for beginners!
Photo tutorial with written instructions for a simple and fun knitting project. Takes just about 15 y of yarn and less than 1 hour to make.
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This is a knitting capellet, but I want to remake it in crochet Knitting Capelet Poncho Knit Knitted Wrap by crochetbutterfly
19 Impossibly Clever Knitting And Crochet Patterns
19 Impossibly Clever Knitting And Crochet Patterns