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Imagine yourself in new situations.
Imagine yourself in new situations. | 21 Clever Writing Prompts That Will Unleash Your Students' Creativity
Daily Writing Prompt
Daily Writing Prompt - Writers Write Creative Blog
Inspirowani Naturą | Zielona Góra
Uh oh...he's been caught! | writing prompt | photo prompt | elementary writing | story starter
don't call me betty
He found the bottle and tried to read the words. The words and numbers had almost washed away, "Please someone, xxx please come find me, I am xxx an island. Please, my co-ordinates are 47.xxx° N, xxx.xx31° W". He hoped she was found. He wished he could have been the one who did.
Художник Joel Rea
Uh oh...what happened here? What will happen next? | photo prompt | writing prompt
Comedy Central Interviews Tea Party Patriots
Writing Prompt: What is she so surprised about?