Gardening Tips

Check out these organic gardening tips for beginners or experts alike. Whether you are planting flowers or planting vegetables there is always a new gardening tip or trick to learn. We all don't have a natural green thumb.
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Your Ultimate Guide to Organic Gardening in Hot Climates
Do you want to have a peek into the world of organic gardening? In this comprehensive guide, we answer the 'what', 'how', and 'why' of organic gardening. From learning about soil nutrition, disease prevention, managing pests to understanding companion planting; we've got it all covered. Join us on this incredible journey towards environmentally friendly gardening.
Chit Potatoes Before You Plant, Here's How!
Chitting potatoes is a simple process that involves pre-sprouting your seed potatoes before planting. My favorite time to plant potatoes is September, and it can be hard to find seed potatoes. Use this tip to get organic grocery store potatoes ready to plant. #chittingpotatoes #chitpotatoes #chit #chiiting #potatoes #howtogrowyourownfood #growinginthegarden #gardeningtips #vegetablegarden #growyourownfood #organicgarden #desertgarden #arizonagarden
Don't Forget to Stake Roselle Plants
A roselle plant is very large and needs plenty of room. Space plants 3-6 feet apart in rows at least 5 feet apart. One or two good-sized plants may be all you need for a bountiful harvest of the beautiful calyces. Provide support for roselle hibiscus. I normally use a length of rebar pounded into the ground (about a foot) as a support. The branches can get very heavy, especially after a rain or once branches are loaded with blooms and calyces.
Pick a Perfect Watermelon Every Time
Use this tip to harvest perfectly ripe watermelons every time. This Charleston Grey watermelon was so delicious! #watermelon #growinginthegarden #gardeningtips #vegetablegarden #growyourownfood #organicgarden #desertgarden #arizonagarden
Mastering the Art of Garden Planning
Discover how you can effortlessly plan your garden and yield better results. Learn to prioritize, choose the best location and time, to give your plants the best chance of success. Click here for a step-by-step guide to effective garden planning.
cantaloupe with the title text overlay reads cantaloupe problems and solutions
Cantaloupe Growing Problems and How to Solve Them
Growing cantaloupes can be incredibly rewarding, but it comes with its own set of challenges. From blossom end rot to pest problems, knowing how to solve these common canteloupe growing problems can make the difference between a bumper crop and a disappointing harvest. Here’s a quick guide to the most common cantaloupe growing problems and their solutions.
Complete Guide to Successful Grow Bag Gardening
Unleash the full potential of your green paradise with this comprehensive guide to successful grow bag gardening. Master the art of identifying ideal plants, selecting correct bag sizes, and crafting the perfect soil mix. Learn about dwarf and bush varieties, and how to water and fertilize plants in grow bags. Get in-depth advice on grow bag handling, storage, and more. With our guide, become proficient in using grow bags and take giant strides in your gardening journey.
The Ultimate Guide to Garden Makeover
A well-maintained garden is a labor of love. I share my step-by-step process on how I gave my old garden a much-needed makeover. This pin includes tips on planning, choosing the right supplies, handling plants during renovation, and much more. With this guide, you'll be well-equipped to start your own garden transformation.
The Power of Mulch
Curious to know how mulch can revolutionize your gardening practices? Don't miss out on our comprehensive guide on mulching your garden. Discover benefits, types of mulch, and top tips for using it effectively. You'll be amazed at how a little mulch can go a long way!
The Power of Mulch
Curious to know how mulch can revolutionize your gardening practices? Don't miss out on our comprehensive guide on mulching your garden. Discover benefits, types of mulch, and top tips for using it effectively. You'll be amazed at how a little mulch can go a long way!
the guide to strawflower cultivation by growing in the garden, featuring flowers on a wooden fence
The Guide to Strawflower Cultivation
Seeking an exhaustive but easy-to-understand guide to growing Strawflowers? You've found it. From choosing the best location, planting at the right time, caring for your plants, to harvesting for the longest-lasting blooms, we've got it all covered here. Plus, learn how to save your own seeds for the next season. Embark on your garden adventure with us now!
Temperature Control for Chicks: A Crucial Aspect
Ever wondered how temperature affects your baby chicks' life? Providing the right heat source and maintaining the ideal temperature are more critical than you think! Learn about the right temperature ranges, the hints chicks give, and the role of heat lamps in a chick's life. See the full post.
When to Water Your Garden
Not sure when to water your garden? Use the finger test or a moisture meter to check the soil. Pull back the mulch and stick your fingers an inch or two into the soil – if they come up clean, it's time to water. Use a moisture meter and follow the gauge if you don't want to get your hands dirty. Your plants will thank you! #howtogrowyourownfood #growinginthegarden #gardeningtips #vegetablegarden #growyourownfood #organicgarden #desertgarden #arizonagarden #watering
Garlic Growing 101
Grow garlic like a pro, in any climate. Our step-by-step guide provides valuable insights into garlic cultivation - from choosing the right variety, perfect planting techniques, to harvesting and storage tips. Become familiar with the process of vernalization and why it's critical for some garlic types. Click for detailed garlic growing instructions!
Are You Planting Your Flowers Wrong?
Jaw-dropping revelation! Your planting timing could be off. Interestingly, different climates require different planting times. Especially in hot climates like the low desert of Arizona, timing is paramount for gardening success. Brace yourself, and let's debunk the conventional planting wisdom together.