
27 Pins
How to Construct an Igloo
How to construct an Igloo from Sugar Cubes Igloos are associated with the Intuit, but all of the Greenland Thule and Canada's Central Arctic build and shelter themselves with igloos still to this day! The snow must be the hard packed type where...
Kellogg's "Around-the-World Cut-Out Dolls" - Greenland (1859) | #457331294
Kellogg's "Around-the-World Cut-Out Dolls" - Greenland (1859) (06/23/2013)
Simple Science: Making "Groundwater"
Iceberg Experiment (glacier and iceberg flooding experiment under it too!)
Apple Blossom Dreams
Homes in Norway. A commenter says these are in Greenland. The same construction as ski cottages in Svalbard. Not very Danish and very Norwegian in any case.
15 Places That Are Straight out of Fairy Tales
15 Places That Are Straight out of Fairy Tales | Sunday Chapter
Homeschool Geography Curriculum | Lets Go Geography
A Map of Greeland, place of polar bears, inuits, narwals, arctic foxes and ice - Rena Ortega
Arctic and the Tundra
Exploring Nature Educational Resource. Tons of great science resources at this site.
Bøger hos Saxo – Danmarks største udvalg af danske og engelske bøger
Det hele begynder, da Peter arver en gård af sin onkel Lake. Snart bliver Jesper, Peter og Ingemann indhyllet i mærkelige hændelser, mens de bor på gården. Nogle findes der naturlige forklaringer på, andre ikke . eller hvad? Man er som læser heller ikke helt sikker på, hvad der er virkelighed, og hvad der ikke er, hvilket skaber en intens spænding alle fire bind igennem. Man følger fyrene på afdøde onkel Lakes gård, dernæst på Grønland, så hjemme i Danmark igen i Peters forældres hus....
Infographic of #Greenland Fast Facts