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13 Pins
Amazing Embroidery by Corinne Sleight: Ideas & Inspiration в журнале Ярмарки Мастеров
Amazing Embroidery by Corinne Sleight | Художественная вышивка Corinne Sleight
#Embroidery_Tutorial "Pekinese Stitch. This is a really simple embroidery stitch that starts with a row of simple back stitches. With a blunt needle, the yarn is then looped through the stitches. This can be done on fabric, of course, but is also Beautiful on Knitted or Crocheted pieces." ༺✿ƬⱤღ https://www.pinterest.com/teretegui/✿༻
Karen Marie - Tekstile og kreative workshops | Karen Marie - Part 2
Karen Marie Dehn - Kreative kurser og workshops for børn og voksne - Part 2
Karen Marie - Tekstile og kreative workshops | Karen Marie - Part 5
Karen Marie Dehn - Creative courses and workshops for children and adults - Part 5