Artists at work/ ateljer

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Hilma af Klint was an artist who was creating huge esoteric (misunderstood) paintings in the late 1800's way ahead of Kandinsky or other 'forefathers of modernism'.
Shio Kusaka dans son studio de Los Angeles. Elle a grandi au Japon et avait peu d'intérêt pour l'art. Sa grand-mère suivait les cérémonies traditionnelles du thé et ces rituels ont guidé Kusaka, de nombreuses années plus tard, vers la céramique. "Après avoir été servie, vous passez du temps à observer la tasse, la cuillère» ." Cela m'a appris à m'arrêter de regarder."
Arts - Image
Hilma af Klint pioneer inden for abstrakt kunst - en fritænker og unik kunstner
Brancusi's Studio
Brancusi's Studio – Centre Pompidou, Paris. Romanian sculpture Brancusi radically changed the way we understood sculpture. He continually strove to show the essence of his subject; he's in a league of his own.
Arts - Image
Hilma af Klint pioneer inden for abstrakt kunst - en fritænker og unik kunstner
8 Silver-Haired Icons We Want to See in Fashion’s Next Big Campaign
portraits of kiki smith artist - "Just do your work. And if the world needs your work it will come and get you. And if it doesn't, do your work anyway. You can have fantasies about having control over the world, but I know I can barely control my kitchen sink. That is the grace I'm given. Because when one can control things, one is limited to one's own vision."