
12 Pins
Mister Finch
I’m making some insects next…sort of tropical themed. This little lady is as big as two hands and is made from two toned taffet...
Etsy France - Achetez des cadeaux faits main, vintage, personnalisés et uniques pour tout le monde
Sculpture d'insecte en fil de fer et argent
Make Egg Carton Bugs
string through pipe cleaners through your egg carton ants
Oooky Spooky............
Oooky Spooky...... - By Mister Finch. (Emroided, textile, floral spider)
Bugs and Insect Crafts
Ant Craft made from two plastic spoons and pipe cleaners From
Make Egg Carton Bugs
make egg carton insects (bees and ants)- easy and fun craft
Mister Finch
Winter stag beetle….Mister Finch