
11 Pins
Daydreamer Framed Art Print by LiNZ SEPE | Society6
Daydreamer Framed Art Print by Linz Sepe - Conservation Natural - MEDIUM (Gallery)-20x26
Best Use of Drone: Photographer Aydin Büyüktas Creates a Beautifully Warped City
Photographer Aydin Büyüktas’ background in film and visual effects really shows in “Flatland”, a cinematic series of drone footage digitally manipulated to create shots of Istanbul which seem to fold over on themselves. Büyüktas must have loved Inception. More images below! … Continue reading →
'The Second Social Attempt' Poster Print by seam less | Displate
"Westward Flight" Poster for Sale by leafandpetal
"Westward Flight" Poster by leafandpetal | Redbubble
Children of the sun and moon
Children of the sun and moon | Flickr - Photo Sharing!