
14 Pins
Self control.......what is it? | Emoções, Ideias para a sala de aula, Clínica infantil
Love this self-control anchor chart. Perfect for the beginning of the school year!
hvad kan jeg kontrollere og ikke kan
Center for ADHD – behandling af ADHD for børn og voksne.
(2014-01) Forældrepyramide fra De utrolige år
Whole Body Listening Larry’s Brain is Out of the Group!
Whole Body Listening Larry’s Brain is Out of the Group!
10 Wordless Videos that Teach Problem Solving
10 Wordless Videos that Teach Problem Solving -- Speech paths are seemingly always on the hunt for materials to address problem solving - did you ever consider videos? I found 10 wordless videos that are fun and make kids think about how to fix the main characters' problems!
Printable Inside Out Emotions Board Game
Print out this Printable Inside Out Emotions Board Game to help teach young kids colors and emotions! #PlayNGrow #ad
Size of your Feelings with Disney Pixar’s Inside Out movie characters
Size of Feelings Acitivity
Blog - viden og ideer til inklusion i praksis
Ideer, tips og tricks til pædagogik. Hjælp til forældre, lærere og pædagoger. Du får viden og redskaber til at tackle (skole)-hverdagen! Ideer til inklusion i praksis
Et lille spil hvor eleverne taler om "at blive sur" Hvordan man reagere osv. Brug en terning. Man kan også lave sin egen f.eks "når man bliver ked" "når man driller" osv