Diy ting

5 Pins
DIY Guess Who Game — All for the Boys
This DIY project is SO good. Whether you make it as a gift for your kids or as a project for the kids to do there are a lot of fun concepts and things for the kids to do from painting, photographing to drilling and sanding – it would definitely make a FUN family project. …
5 DIY Projects to Turn Your Photos into Wall Art - Society19
It’s the Tumblr dream room, really. Your dorm should be an expression of who you are as a person; your interests, friends, music you’re into, and so forth. I’ll give you 5 easy DIY photo projects to turn your drab dorm decor into something both you AND your roommate can show off to friends that’ll […]
DIY Einhorn Stiftehalter aus leeren Nutella Gläsern selber machen
DIY Einhorn Stiftehalter aus leeren Nutella Gläsern selber machen – Coole DIY Upcycling Idee! Der Clou an meiner DIY Idee: Ich habe den Stiftehalter aus leeren Nutella Gläsern gebastelt, eine stylische Upcycling-Idee sozusagen. Außerdem bin ich ganz überrascht, was für tolle DIY Projekte man aus alten Gläsern machen kann. Klicke hier für das komplette DIY Tutorial!