Magic/Smart mirror

34 Pins
Making a Digital Dashboard! (w/ Google Calendar integration)
Making a Digital Dashboard! (w/ Google Calendar integration)
The home of good stories
A small overview of what Smart Mirrors are, how to build one and what we created at Novoda!
Magic Mirror
Magic Mirror - Imgur
Magic Mirror completed! (Album)
874 point og 147 kommentarer på reddit hidtil
Raspberry Pi Wall Mounted Google Calendar
Raspberry Pi Wall Mounted Google Calendar:
I, too, built a magic mirror.
"Magic mirror" using Raspberry Pi
Microsoft's Official Guide for a DIY, Raspberry Pi-Powered Magic Mirror with Face Detection
Smart mirrors have been all the rage this year, and it looks like Microsoft’s getting into the game too. While Microsoft’s mirror is teased as a commercial product, they’ve released the source code if you’re interested in making one for yourself.
Smart Mirror | How To Build, Tutorials & Guides | Magic Mirror Central
The #1 source for Magic Mirror DIY guides, how-to's, news and more. Learn how to power your smart mirror with Raspberry Pi or Android.
Smart Mirror (with Optional Alexa)
Smart Mirror (with Optional Alexa)
Magic Mirror with a motion detector
magic mirror interactive
Innate | Another Tech Blog
Magic Mirror / Hallway Dashboard (Full Build)
Magic Mirror - Imgur