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Explore Bernard Spragg's photos on Flickr. Bernard Spragg has uploaded 6893 photos to Flickr.
Temporary But Effective: 5 Ideas for Hiding or Minimizing an Ugly Floor
I love my tiny apartment, but I don't love the floors. While some rooms were done in wood, others were floored with an odd mish-mash of vinyl tile that would never get clean, chipped ceramic tile, and plywood (no flooring). The biggest trouble spots were in the kitchen and entry, since I was able to cover the majority of the non-wood with floating floors from IKEA. Due to the small size of these spots, laying the floating floors would mean lots of cutting and since my friend with the saw move...
Cork Underlayment by Corksribas
Cork Underlayment, Sheets -- eco-friendly material that can be used underneath all types of flooring as a noise suppressor and insulation #eco-friendlyhomes
Opslagstavle korkplade: kork væg uden ramme - mest varierede produkt på vores tilbud
Fine korn opslagstavle kork plade 3x64x95 cm til 32 kr. På denne plade er der plads til 54 stk. coasters (af 9x9cm). 53 kr hvis det er 5 mm tyks (ville være mere holdbart, det kræver bare at maskinen kan klare det.)