
117 Pins
3.5M views · 34K reactions | Tabletop Fire Bowl | Tabletop Fire Bowl 🔥 | By Nifty Outdoors | Facebook
Tabletop Fire Bowl
1.1M views · 12K reactions | How To Make A Swedish Fire Torch | Can't start a fire because the ground is too wet? Make a Swedish fire torch! Here's how. 🔥 | By Nifty Outdoors | Facebook
How To Make A Swedish Fire Torch
Future Feast in the Garden of Flow/Accumulation
Raised beds, collecting rainwater as well. - perhaps tiered beds can have a French drain at the end that catches excess water run off from the rain. It would be a larger area to collect rain water and would only be extra If the other plants were all watered.
Haveplan & hjælp til design af din egen drømmehave.
Haveplan og havedesign er mit speciale. Jeg skaber personlige haveløsninger, hvor skønhed, æstetik og funktionalitet er de gennemgående træk.
DIY Fire Place/Pit
Want a great accent to your backyard, but tight on space? Try this DIY Fire Place/Pit Build that has a high back wall so that you can keep it tight to a side fence (not too tight though) or in a corner. #outdoors #yard #decor #backyard #party #summer #autumn