
78 Pins
Ikea malm drawer hack to single bed - Renovation Bay-Bee
Ikea Malm drawers hack, turning from drawers into a raised single bed. Spray painted with Valspar spray paint.
#dasneuebett #hatmeinlieblingsmenschselbstgebaut #diy #ikea #ikeahack #nochnichtganzfertig #furniture #selfmade -#selbstgemacht #selbstgebaut #bed #bett #malm #storagebed #stauraum #smallroom #dmallroomideas #fürkleineräume #platzwunder by das.finchen
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Weekly Weather Felt Board
Weekly Weather Felt Board by Today I Felt Crafty- SO cute. Maybe rearrange a bit for our purposes...
Winter Games — All for the Boys
Tape plastic cups to the edge of the table. Give each player a pile of snowballs (white ping pong balls) and an empty paper towel roll. Race to see how many snowballs each player can blow across the table and into the cup.
Необыкновенная коса без плетения (Diy)
Необыкновенная коса без плетения (Diy) / Прически / ВТОРАЯ УЛИЦА