
I'm amazed by the natures way of shaping things. Fungies is only one natural source of many. Perfect for doodling inspiration...
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Ochrolechia upsaliensis (lichen)
Peltigera venosa
Peltigera venosa Lichen and Moss by Ken-ichi Ueda
Mushrooms by ReflectTheStorm1 on DeviantArt
Hexi Pored Polypores... Mushrooms by ~ReflectTheStorm1 on deviantART
verkkolehti - Sattumalta sammaltutkijaksi
Moss and lichen in Finland
Lichen forest
jim mcculloch, 'lichens on a dead twig in my yard in austin; we have had a lot of rain and the lichen fruiting bodies have sprouted'
32 Weird & Wonderful Fungi & Mushroom Pictures - The Photo Argus
ribbons of wood #hellocolor #hellobrown
32 Weird & Wonderful Fungi & Mushroom Pictures - The Photo Argus
ribbons of wood #hellocolor #hellobrown
Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford — Colossal
Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Photographed by Steve Axford science nature mushrooms Australia
fairy tales (Laccaria amethystina)
fairy tales
Sarcoscypha occidentalis - Wikipedia
Sarcoscypha occidentalis, commonly known as the stalked scarlet cup