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Still a better love story than Korra and Mako. <--- YES THANK YOU. anyway this was the best scene :) :) but i seriously shipped them , and the way they ended it made me sad (i hope there is more of them)
Poor Toph << More like poor Zuko, he's in for it if it's taken this long for her to get that field trip!
Avatar Parallels. Kataang / Kainora<<<< except for Aang was actually in the spirit world and Katara couldn't see him, and Jinora just projected her spirit, so Kai could see her.
Katara and Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Jinora and Kai from Avatar: The Legend of Korra
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You may be grown up now, but you'll always be the guy who hallucinated on cactus juice.
So (even though I totally ship Zuko and Katara) I think it'd be super cute if they hugged in Korra. Not in a romantic way, but just to show that they still hold the other in a high regard. Just a hug between two old friends.
PugCrumbs - Professional, Digital Artist | DeviantArt
See this is what shouldve happened, becasue it felt like this would've been the perfect time for that to happen and they had been building up to it for a while and I just sorta wish it would've...
Zuko: Changes by coincidense on DeviantArt
Zuko: Changes he has a lot of different hairstyles! I like his longer, shaggier hair best! He is Beautiful!
Let's also mention that for the large majority that the females wore appropriate clothes