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Jewelry Making
Like it? Click to Know How to Make a Pear-Like Wire Wrapped Pendant with Wire Coiling Gizmo Technique
Charmed Silence 167 by Zorias on DeviantArt
I really like this kind of floating bead design element that's been popping up more.
Shiney Lounge » FREE Wire Work Hook clasp tutorial
The Shiney Lounge's wire clasp tutorial has a lovely coiled wire detail for the eye part. I rather like the wrapping on the hook side as it means you are only forming one loop. If you try and form two loops together with your round nose pliers, the loops aren't going to be the same size because of the conical shape of the pliers. So it requires a bit of fiddling. Works best with bail forming pliers for that reason.
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Мода на жемчуг (подборка и бонус)
Мода на жемчуг (подборка и бонус) / Украшения и бижутерия / Своими руками - выкройки, переделка одежды, декор интерьера своими руками - от ВТОРАЯ УЛИЦА
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Minimalist. Copper. Double. Spiral. Necklace.. $20.00, via Etsy.
The Modern Hermetica
Chain Maille Jewelry-Wrap Pearl Bracelets with Jump Rings by Amanda Wong | Project | Jewelry / Accessories | Kollabora
Items similar to Hand Forged Carnelian Spinning Pendant on Etsy
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Pearl Star Chainmaille Pendant... Tons of other cool designs on this site....
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chainmail jewelry