DIY projects to try

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Towels Animals - Zwierzęta z ręczników - Origami z ręczników - rabbit - królik
Horseshoe Sun Catcher This is made with a used horseshoe, that has been cleaned, and I used different shades of blue glass crystal beads strung on jewelry wire to catch the sunlight when hung. This one is approximately 27" long from the top of the wire hanger to the bottom of the center strand of beads. I also will custom make these if you wish. $50.00 plus S&H.
How to fold a towel animal kitty
How to fold a towel animal kitty YouTube Cruise Channel
Bunnies, dog and chick all made from a single wash cloth.
Shares These towel elephants are so adorable. They will be great for home decoration or for baby shower gifts. These cute towel elephants are easy to make. You can make them in as less as five simple steps. You don’t need any sewing. All you need are a couple of towels, rubber bands, and some …
Towels Folded Into Cute and Cuddly Shapes
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Králiček na veľkonočné vajíčka. / Surfingbird vie všetko, čo máte radi
Transfert illustration sur polymère , Technique de Fimo
Transfer illustration of polymer Fimo Technique ... DIY ...