
31 Pins
These 47 Photos From The Past Prove That People Used To Be Ridiculously Classy.
// Ellen O'Neal, the greatest woman freestyle skateboarder in the 1970s. The generation that did it all without helmets, knee/elbow pads!!!!!
The Latest Summer Fashion for 2024
Fanny Ekstrand in a jacket, white t-shirt, neck scarf, and high waisted jeans
Photo (Know your rights)
http://www.favourwear.com/category/zara/ Photo
for the past few weeks i've been talking to this boy on sc and we get along really well n idk if i feel for him maybe i do idek sorry but anyway i talked about him to one of my girl friends and she added him n now our conversations are glum and uninteresting n i found out she talks to him now idk she's basically a model n is stunning ofc this would happen lmao maybe i'm just a jealous friend idk am i being selfish??:-/ oh and also he's really popular and so is my friend, they both listen to rap